Thursday, June 21, 2007

I was cleaning the fridge today, and I found a shelf in the door that I had never seen before. It's a nice shelf: it's contoured to hold 6 beverage-type cans. Interestingly, it's placed at just the right height so that I can't see it when I look down into the door and the body of the fridge. What's also interesting is that I HAVE cleaned the fridge before (and still didn't notice it--once I took the whole fridge apart, took the shelves and drawers out, took out EVERYTHING, and still didn't see it). I think I have a problem with details.


Anonymous said...

Let the LORD worry about the details! Jabron.

Anonymous said...

In the Gospels Jesus tells us, that which is hidden shall be revealed, of course that is a spiritual issue, but it might apply to your frig...