Thursday, April 26, 2007

Some days the words just flow. This week has not been one of those days. Today is Thursday, or, as I call it, Wednesday night. I bring it up, not because it's interesting, but because my stomach hurts: it's filled with gas. You're undoubtedly asking yourself, what does that have to do with Thursday? And you very well are entitled to ask just such a question. Another question you might be asking yourself is, "what's the capital of Finland?" You really didn't intend to think about Finland today, did you? See what happens when you don't mind your own business? Here's something else to think about:


Anonymous said...

Thank you for taking the time to make all our lives better by your faithfulness in blogging even when it is difficult. Hey, EVERYBODY knows the capital of Finland...

Anonymous said...

What's Finland? Jabron.