Friday, March 23, 2007

Today in French class, my professor asked me a number of questions in front of the class (in French); this, itself, wasn't really out of the ordinary: she's always asking people questions. Today we were talking about family, and so the questions eventually worked their way to how long I had been married and at what age I had gotten married. When my professor learned that Sarah and I got 'hitched', as they say (and by they, I don't mean the French), at 20, her comment was, "Well...I hope it lasts." How optimistic.

P.S. I responded with "Moi aussi" (me too), but I wanted to say something snarky and sarcastic; the best I could come up with was something along the lines of, "Vous avez les cheveux bruns!" (You have brown hair!). I need to expand my vocabulary.


Randy et Jan said...

It's too bad you could not have asked her in French how long she had been married, and if she was happily married, or, why she wasn't married at all. It's likely your marriage would have spoken for itself!

Proud of you both, Jabron.

Randy et Jan said...

You could have said, "notre amour est quelque chose de sur!" C'est vrai en plus! Jan

Unknown said...

Max, I've got a great one for you to impress your professor: Next time you're answering a question in French and you want to trail off with "etc...", but don't exactly, say: "et patati, et patata" (just like it sounds). That means (it's in the LaRousse dictionary): "and so on, and so forth" but it's REALLY fun to say, and it rolls off your tongue quite nicely. My students love it. She'll be impressed, and your classmates' jaws will drop: "how does he know this stuff--gah!"

Let me know what her reaction is!