Wednesday, February 14, 2007

I shared how I recently went to the doctor for my shoulder, but I didn't mention that I also had my cholesterol tested for the first time. As it turns out, avoiding chips, red meat (only because it's expensive), candy, alcohol, cigarettes, and pop is VERY beneficial to one's health. Oh, and walking 15-20 miles per week (with an additional 3 hours of cardiovascular work) helps too. Oh, and so does being 24. Oh, and maybe I actually got some of the good genes for once. Or maybe disaster is lurking around the corner and this is a trick.

In case you were curious:

Total cholesterol: 111 (under 200 is desirable)
LDL: 51 (under 130 is desirable)
HDL: 52 (over 40 is desirable)
Triglycerides: 38 (under 150 is desirable)

In case you want to know more about cholesterol, click here.


Anonymous said...

Are you sure those weren't your IQ scores? Jabron.

Max said...

I would tell you to go and pick on someone with your own IQ, but I'm pretty sure the zookeepers don't like it when people agitate the monkeys.