Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Yesterday, we went to Kandern (where Sarah spent her high school years, and where Randy and Jan lived for the past 7 years) to play basketball (Randy and I) and eat ice cream (Sarah and Jan). After basketball, we went and had dinner/dessert at the house of some of Randy and Jan's friends. The 'house' is actually a joint structure owned by two separate families; it's quite amazing: once a mill, it was built in 1357 (not a typo, 1357) and has many of the original stones and beams (still intact). The families have spent the last three years restoring their respective sides; each has a distinct feel, and each is quite amazing.

We don't have too much going on today. Sarah and Jan are at a local thrift shop, Randy is running errands, and I'm manning the fort. And by fort, I mean the house. And by house, I mean the computer. And by computer, I mean the cookies.


Sarah said...

I knew that's what you were doing...

Hannah said...

hahaha I love your links. The funny part is that the "God" link from one of your previous posts could not be viewed by me at work. They blocked it because it was "traditional religion". The house sounds awesome...that is old!