Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Yesterday, the news was awash with reports of "dangerous surf conditions" (get it, awash?). Naturally, this brought out the surfers (and spectators) in droves. Sarah and I waded through about 30 minutes of traffic to get to "The Wedge", a world-class surfing spot about 3 miles from our apartment. This is what we found.

From the pictures, it's hard to tell just how big the waves actually were. I drew lines to give some perspective. In the second picture below, if we consider that the man's head and shoulders are 18 inches above the water, 12-15 feet is probably a fair estimate for the wave.

Below, this wave was part of a smaller set (a "set" is what we Californians/surfers call a group of waves), but you can tell from the picture that it crested at 8-10 feet (if we assume the surfer's head is 5-6 feet above the water).

All in all, we had a good time, and it only took us 25 minutes to drive the 3 miles home.


Max said...

P.S. If you click on the pictures, you should get a larger version...

Max said...

P.P.S. In this blog, any time there is underlined text a different color than the rest (such as with "The Wedge" in this post), it's called a link. If you click on the link, it will lead you to a new page. In this instance, clicking on "The Wedge" will lead you to an online encyclopedia article about the Wedge.

Sarah said...

Ahhh...Internet 101!

Anonymous said...

Improvements to the groin!!?? How much improvement does one need. I am tempted to say you must have a really nice gro...but, that would take my play on your earlier blog a bit too far. I better publish this comment under Mr. Anonymous and not my normal 2 bees.