Monday, June 26, 2006

Our visit with Peter went well. And I won't make any snide comments about how it was 98 degrees in Azusa and 74 in Newport Beach. It would be rude. We ended up going bowling (Sarah and Peter did well, almost too well...) and then went out to dinner at a Chipotle Grill (sort of like Subway, only with Tex-Mex).

Just now, I'm sneaking a break from packing and cleaning. Tomorrow is D-Day. And by D-Day, I mean Tuesday. And by Tuesday, I mean the day that we leave for our summer trip. And by the day that we leave for our summer trip, I mean Tuesday.


Hannah said...

Why is it so much hotter in assuzo? By azussee I mean wherever the heck peter lives...You'll be here TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!

Sarah said...

I can't believe my brother is still single! He's adorable!

Hannah said...

haha sarah! Peter looks JUST like your dad!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, what DID they bowl?