Friday, June 16, 2006

I was reading through the news again, when I came across another interesting story I thought I probably should share. For the whole story, click here.

The crux of the matter occurred when a prestigious, British art gallery displayed a piece of wood and block of stone, thinking they were works of art. In reality, the art (which was missing) was supposed to sit upon the stone and be propped by the wood.

Frankly, I'm left with a singular reaction: HA! I knew it! I told you so!

You see, art is sometimes wonderful; it sometimes requires incredible talent to create; it sometimes is thought provoking. Other times, it's a stick. People say it's wonderful. People say it took incredible talent to create. People say it should provoke thought.

Art is in the eye of the beholder. Unless it's traditionally-taken, nature or landscape photography. Any dolt can tell if a mountain looks majestic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you see the news story in which they "set up" are critics and told them they were veiwing great art works? Anyway, the critics raved about the art...produced by monkeys and pre-schoolers!