Wednesday, May 10, 2006

From the amazing comment barrage generated by the last post, I can tell you were all completely enthralled by the in-depth analysis of my golf game. You’re just lucky I spared you the hole-by-hole breakdown. Maybe next time.

Back in the world of doing things other than golf, I haven’t been doing much. For some reason, I’ve really been putting off cleaning the house. I won’t say it’s because we always mess it up immediately afterwards, but it’s because we always mess it up immediately afterwards. I’m still trying to learn Greek but am having to really coerce myself into studying. In truth, I spend most of the day itching myself (the hay fever has progressed to a newer, more virulent form whereby I itch so much that I’m thinking about cutting off my ears; I may be turning into a dog).


Sarah said...

We'll just call you Jeff...

Hannah said...

hmm the hay fever doesn't sound very fun. Don't cut off your ear I imagine that's something you would later regret. How do ya like that I have a link to your site on my blog? huh huh? Now maybe my popularity will rub off on you....

Sarah said...

Some might consider cutting off your ear and sending it to the love of your life "romantic". But I don't, so don't do it...

Max said...

I'll do as I please.

Anonymous said...

Wow, you would really be messed up if you had a hairy pet (cotton kitty)in your home. I think I will mail her. The post office never asks if I have a live kitty in the packages we send...hmmmmmmm