Monday, February 13, 2006

I had trouble sleeping again last night. By “trouble,” I, of course, mean that I woke up at 3 AM and didn’t go back to sleep. I suppose, if you were being particular, you could say that I didn’t actually have trouble sleeping. I slept fine for 4.5 hours. Staying asleep, on the other hand, is where the difficulty arose. Not that it’s really a problem: I don’t have anywhere to be until Friday.

Sarah slept fine and is jumping into the week with high hopes. She bought a new board game to play with her students (Cranium Caribou, for those children’s game aficionados out there). She isn’t actually going to play. The students will play. And they won’t really play. Sarah will change the game enough so that they’ll learn. So, the students will learn, in school; what a concept. Additionally, at some point this week, she’s going to propose a new reading curriculum to her principle. Hopefully that goes well. If it does, Sarah will enjoy her job. If it doesn’t, Sarah’s principle and colleagues will be able to answer the age-old question about whether there’s life after death. It’s really a win-win situation.

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