Thursday, November 17, 2005

So today I have to make cuts for my basketball team. The act of cutting will not be too difficult in itself, but the decision about who to keep will be excruciating. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t enjoy the act of crushing the hearts of children, but for me that act is not nearly as bad as the consideration of possible life-altering ramifications of keeping one kid over another. For instance, I keep kid A, a troubled student, in the hopes that he will improve his grades so he can stay eligible to play. Kid A soon finds that he loves school. He goes to college on a scholarship and eventually finds a cure for AIDS. Kid B, on the other hand, is troubled personally, and since I kept Kid A, B does not have me for a mentor. He starts doing drugs, becoming obsessed with the next score. Eventually, he runs out of options and tries to rob a liquor store for money; on the way out, he accidentally assassinates a visiting statesman and sparks World War III. Nuclear fallout ensues and nuclear winter begins, ending all life on earth as we know it. So, which is it, Kid A, or Kid B?


2 bees said...

I vote for kid q. He never gets picked.

Max said...

He quit because I made him run until he quit.

See what I did there? Ha, ha.