Monday, November 21, 2005

Perhaps some of you are curious about the previous post referencing bees: there’s a hive of the little buggers (of the honey variety, I believe) in a drainpipe directly across from our patio. I wouldn’t ever have noticed them (the pipe is 30 feet up) if not for the fellow in a beekeeper suit scaling the wall opposite our sliding-glass door. Though he was in a beekeeper suit, I don’t believe he was actually a keeper of bees: I’m pretty sure he just wanted the bees to think that, so they wouldn’t be suspicious when he laced their home with poison.

After he finished killing the bees (or so I thought), the exterminator posted a small sign about five feet from the patio and left (for good reason, as you’ll soon see). I didn’t really think much of it, and determined I’d read the sign the next time I was out and about. In the meantime, bees kept flying into the sliding-glass door, aggressively attempting to gain entry to the house. I thought this a little strange, but, again, I didn’t really think much of it. Long story slightly longer, the sign said: watch for disoriented bees for the next 3-5 days; make sure all doors and windows remain tightly sealed; bees will be gone by next week. Great. Good thing the sign was so small; I only feel slightly sorry for our obnoxious neighbors, but that’s for another post.

1 comment:

Max said...

I'll bet you wouldn't think so if they were stinging you...