Monday, November 28, 2005

The news this morning reported that today is “Cyber Monday” (otherwise known as “Black Monday” and “Internet Monday”). Apparently, the Monday after Thanksgiving is a very large day for internet shopping. I could make oodles of sarcastic and pointed quips, but I won’t. I won’t say that people are extending their time off and goofing on the company dollar. I won’t say that news crews avoid reporting tough issues (read, Darfur Crisis, Zambia Famine, Aids Pandemic) and instead make up superficial stories that only increase our rampant selfishness. I won’t.


Anonymous said...

I gotta comment...but I fergit it, o ya, I remembers now. I feel guilty because im not a greedy consuma

Max said...

You only feel guilty because a certain group of politicians have tricked you into thinking that spending money is good for the country...