Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Something in my life is being a real pain in the neck. Do you want to know what it is? Most likely it is my C2, or axis, vertebrae. I suppose that it could be C1 (or atlas, so named because it supports the globe that is my giant head…), but this diagnosis is unsatisfactory due to the facts that 1) I have more trouble with side to side movements than up and down (of course indicating axis, rather than atlas), and 2) C2 houses an intervertebral disk (the slipping of which is a likely source of the pain), where C1 does not. Look at me. I’m a doctor, or, at the very least, a chiropractor (though to qualify for the latter, I’ll have to pass the requisite final exam of being able to jump up and down on a patient).


2 bees said...

I which there were some way to write down a laugh. Haha seems kind of sarcastic. Anyway, I laughed about the chiropractor final exam.

seshwan said...

I'm looking, but I can't see you. Dang it!

Max said...

I think a good laugh would be: "AAAHHHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!"