Monday, October 10, 2005

I ate two apples today. There were other things (mushrooms, rice, raisons, etc.), but the apples are particularly to be noted because I noted them. I just thought you might be curious. I wasn’t, because I was there. But you are not there. Well, you are there, but you’re not here. I’m here. You’re there. But in your case, I’m there and you are here. It doesn’t make any sense when you (or I, if you will) think of it that way, but you didn’t; I did. That doesn’t really matter, because now you’re thinking of it. In fact, I can make you think of whatever I want. Watch: polar bear. What did you think of? Exactly. I’ll do it again. Ready? Green monkey. And those don’t even exist.


seshwan said...

Green monkeys don't exist?
Prove it.

Max said...

Okay, but only if you first prove that they do.