Tuesday, September 20, 2005

So, I’m struggling with a decision. Last night, I couldn’t sleep and didn’t end up dozing off until about 5 AM. Naturally, I didn’t wake up this morning until 2:30 PM. This is starting to sound like an 8th grade math story problem. It’s not. In any case, it’s now almost 4AM, and I can’t figure out whether I should go to bed (only to find myself not waking up tomorrow until 4PM and engaging in a never-ending, vicious cycle) or stay up all night, yet again. I will probably go with the sleep all day route, but that makes it difficult to do all the things I had planned: things such as sleeping in, eating, walking around the house in my underwear, eating, checking the mail, eating, and checking the mail again. I will never be an astronaut.


Rebecca said...

'I will never be an astronaut'

Not with that attitude you won't.

Max said...

You can't prove anything of the sort.