Saturday, July 23, 2005

Today I installed CD players into both my and my wife’s cars. I believe that I made significant progress in not becoming an astronaut: I didn’t think about space; I didn’t float anywhere, and I didn’t gain any new skills that would help me in the space program. Sure, you could argue that I honed important mechanical skills that would undoubtedly allow me to be a better spaceman, or spaceperson, if you prefer. But if you did try and make that point, you’d be wrong, and I wouldn’t hesitate to say that you’ve never installed a car radio. Let’s just say that the toughest part is matching the colors of the car wires with the colors of the radio wires. This is a zero sum game. I win; therefore, you lose. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Go straight to not being an astronaut.

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