Saturday, July 30, 2005

If astronauts are in space for 10 days at a time, I have to wonder, what do they do for the rest of the year? This brings me to the problem. Today I played golf. If astronauts have 355 days off every year (which, I know they don’t, but I’m using hyperbole to make this more interesting to all the people who aren’t reading what I’ve written), you know that they play a lot of golf. That’s just what wealthy, non-working people do. Fortunately, I’m quite sure that people who play golf aren’t just astronauts: there are the baseball players, CEOs, retired professional golfers, retired CEOs, retired baseball players, salesmen trying to sell things to rich people, football players, a basketball player, two squirrels, every doctor (if it’s Wednesday), every dentist (if it’s Thursday), and me.

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